Assessing Trustworthy AI

Place: room 3.216 and online
Prof. Elisabeth Hildt, Professor of Philosophy - Director of the Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions Illinois Institute of Technology
Discussant: Zyed Zalila, Founder, CEO and R&D Director, Intellitech
Abstract: After reflecting on trust, trustworthiness, and what it is that makes artificial intelligence (AI) trustworthy, the presentation will introduce the Z-Inspection® Initiative (http://z-inspection.org/). The Z-Inspection® initiative is an interdisciplinary group of international researchers that develops an assessment process for trustworthy AI.
The focus of the assessment is on identifying and discussing issues and tensions through the elaboration of socio-technical scenarios, based on the Guidelines for Trustworthy AI presented by the European Commission's High-Level Expert Group on AI. The presentation will first delineate the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI. It will then give an overview of the assessment process for trustworthy AI.
After outlining several of the AI case studies the group has conducted so far, the presentation will reflect on lessons learned and give suggestions on how to achieve AI technology assessment in practice.