Research: Three SKEMA professors among the most cited scientists of 2023

SKEMA Business School stands out with three of its faculty members being named among the most cited researchers worldwide in 2023: Armin Schwienbacher, Chitu Okoli, and Margherita Pagani. This ranking, based on Scopus data and compiled by John Ioannidis from Stanford University, analyses citations through several indicators (h-index, c-score), and assesses both long-term career impact and impact for a specific year. The ranking includes scientists who are within the top 2% of the most cited authors across 22 fields and 174 subfields.
This ranking, developed by Elsevier and Stanford professor John Ioannidis, also highlights co-authorship and the position of authors within scientific articles, offering a more nuanced evaluation of a researcher’s influence. The data for the current edition comes from a Scopus snapshot taken in August 2024, with citations counted through the end of 2023. “SKEMA Business School is proud to see three of its professors listed among the most cited authors of 2023, according to the Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators. Congratulations to Armin Schwienbacher, Chitu Okoli, and Margherita Pagani for their immense contributions to academic discourse,” commented Roland Königsgruber, Vice Dean of Research.
• Armin Schwienbacher
Armin Schwienbacher is a professor of finance and a recognised expert in crowdfunding and entrepreneurship (venture capital). His research focuses on the financial mechanisms of start-ups and SMEs. Armin is a member of the Finance & Accounting Insights on Risk and Regulation (FAIRR) research centre within the Innovation Academy.
• Chitu Okoli
Chitu Okoli, a professor of digitalisation, is affiliated with the SKEMA Centre for Artificial Intelligence (SCAI) and the Digitalisation Academy. He is an expert in information systems and is known for his methodological contributions that have both theoretical and practical impact.
• Margherita Pagani
Margherita Pagani is a professor of artificial intelligence in marketing and serves as the director of the SKEMA Centre for Artificial Intelligence (SCAI) and the Digitalisation Academy. Her research explores the impact of emerging technologies, e-commerce, mobile marketing, human-centred AI, consumer behaviour, and marketing strategies. Notably, Margherita was also listed in the same ranking last year.
Latest publications by Armin Schwienbacher
Latest publications by Chitu Okoli
Latest publications by Margherita Pagani