Corpo docente

Margherita PAGANI


Artificial Intelligence for Business, Consumer behavior and new technologies (chatbots, robotics, AR), social media marketing, digital platforms, value creation and capture in digital ecosystems

Margherita PAGANI



Centro de pesquisa

SKEMA Centre for Artificial Intelligence





Margherita Pagani is a Full Professor Ph.D. HDR of Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence and Digital  Marketing and the Director of SKEMA Center for Artificial Intelligence at Skema Business School in Paris. She holds a Ph.D. in Management and the HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches). She also holds the position of Research Affiliate at the Berkeley APEC Study Center (BASC) at the University of California, Berkeley. Additionally, she serves as an Advisor for the European Economic Social Committee (EESC), focusing on the virtual worlds and European Metaverse.

Prior to her current role, she was the Founder and Academic Co-Director of the MSc in Digital Marketing & Data Science and Founder Director of the Research Center on Artificial Intelligence in Value Creation at emlyon business school (France). She was a Professor of Digital Marketing at Bocconi University, and emlyon business school, Visiting Scientist at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, and Visiting Professor at UCLA Los Angeles, Georgetown University (Washington), National University of Singapore, and Redlands University (CA). She serves as Associate Editor of Micro&Macro Marketing and as Editorial Advisor for Management Business Review.

Her current research is centered around the application of Artificial Intelligence in consumer experiential engagement, AI's impact on business creativity, digital media platforms, and the role of robotics in services. She published several books (published in the US, UK, Korea, and Italy) two encyclopedias, and articles in leading international journals, such as MISQuarterly, MIT Sloan Management Review, British Journal of Management, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Journal of Business Research, Harvard Business Review, Information&Management, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of International Advertising, Psychology & Marketing, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, International Journal of Mobile Marketing, The International Journal on Media Management, Revue Français du Marketing and a variety of other publications.

For her research activity and publications, she won the 2023 International Marketing Trend Award, and the 2009 Mobile Marketing Association Global Award "Academic of the Year". Her article published in MISQuarterly was selected as a finalist for "Best European Research Paper of the Year 2014". She also got the award for distinctive academic research from Bocconi University for the results achieved during the periods 2004-2006.

She has been recognized among the top 2% of highly cited scientists globally for the years 2022 and 2023 by Elsevier

Specializations: Digital and Artificial intelligence in Marketing
Human Centric Artificial Intelligence
Consumer behavior and digital technologies
Electronic commerce
Mobile marketing

HDR in Sciences de Gestion, Université d'Évry, France
Ph.D. in Management, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France
MSc in Business Administration, Bocconi University, Italy

Certificate in Data and Models in Engineering Science and Business (Part 1), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), United States of America
Certificate in Data and Models in Engineering Science and Business (Part 2), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), United States of America
Certificate in Individual Choice Behavior: Theory and Application of Discrete Choice Analysis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), United States of America
Full-time academic positions
Since 2023
Advisor for European Economic and Social Committee - CCMI Consultative Commission on Industrial Change - Initiative on virtual worlds such as meta verse, European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Belgium
Since 2021
Professor of Digital and Artificial Intelligence in Marketing, SKEMA Business School, France
2017 - 2021
Professor of Digital Marketing, EM Lyon Business School, France
2013 - 2017
Associate Professor - Department Markets and Innovation, EM Lyon Business School, France
2006 - 2013
Assistant Professor, Management Department, Bocconi University, Italy
Other academic affiliations and appointments
Since 2022
Head of SKEMA Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, SKEMA Business School, France
2018 - 2021
Founder and Director AIM Research Center on Artificial Intelligence in Value Creation - Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Management, EM Lyon Business School, France
2018 - 2021
Founder and Academic Co-Director Master of Science in Digital Marketing and Data Science, EM Lyon Business School, France
2008 - 2011
MIT Sloan Research Affiliate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), United States of America
Other professional experiences
2022 - 2023
Associate Dean SKEMA AI School for Business, SKEMA Business School, France
Research grants, Awards and Honors
Awards and Honors
Top 2% of highly cited scientists globally for 2023 by Elsevier
Top 2% of highly cited scientists worldwide for 2022 by Stanford University and Elsevier ranking
"International Marketing Trends" Award as distinguished Scholar
Top five preferred article published in Harvard Business Review France “article Pagani M, Champion R. (2020) Intelligence Artificielle: quelles compétences pour le manager de demain? December 2020, Harvard Business Review France
finalist for the Best European Paper among all papers published in MISQuarterly and Information Systems Research in 2013 - paper Pagani M. (2013) "Digital business strategy and value creation: framing the dynamic cycle of control points" MISQuarterly and Information Systems Research
"Honorable Mention" by Business Horizons and Elsevier "Best articles" category published in 2012 for the article Rhom A., Gao, T. Sultan F., Pagani M. (2012) "Brand in the hand: a cross-market investigation of consumer acceptance of Mobile Marketing", Business Horizon and Elsevier
Award "Academic of the Year" (for the research activity and publications in the mobile marketing field), Mobile Marketing Association
Award for distinctive academic research – period 2004-2006, Bocconi University
Award "Most downloaded paper" recognized by the The International Journal on Media Management to the published article "Interactive television a model of analysis of Business Economic Dynamics", The International Journal on Media Management
Research Grants
Research Grant (2002-2008) from Foundation Tronchetti Provera "Value chain dynamics and concept engineering in the development of next generation mobile", Foundation Silvio Tronchetti Provera, Italy
Other research activities
Editorial Board Member
Since 2021
Business Management Review
Since 2020
Industrial Marketing Management
Senior or Associate Editor
Since 2021
Micro & Macro Marketing - il Mulino
Reviewer for:
Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Interactive Marketing, MIS Quarterly
Organization of a conference or a research seminar
Towards an Ethics by design in AI?, SKEMA Business School, France
Scalability in Digital Transformation: The Case of AI - Prof. Nisreen Ameen (Royal Holloway), SKEMA Business School, France
Conference - Economic Statecraft and Industrial policy - Berkeley University, University of California, Berkeley, United States of America
Creativity-on-demand: Co-creative AI products to augment the creativity of work professionals - Prof. Neil Maiden (Bayes Business School), SKEMA Business School, France
Repairing AI for Environmental Justice - Nosing Does (MC2I) nd Isabelle Tudor (CapGemini), SKEMA Business School, France
Algorithmic management at work beyond the gig-economy: from practices to theory (and regulation) Prof. Antonio Aloisi (IE Law School), SKEMA Business School, France
AI enabled new educational paradigm - prof. Yoram Jerry Wind (Wharton), SKEMA Business School, France
Seminar Prof. Elisabeth Hildt (Illinois Institute of Technology) - Research Center on AIfor Sustainable Value, SKEMA Business School, France
Seminar Prof. Annabelle Gawer (Surrey University) - Research Center on AI for Sustainable Value, SKEMA Business School, France
Workshop "Ethics of Public Robots and Artificial Intelligence", SKEMA Business School, France
Workshop "The Future of Customer Engagement Driven by AI" - organised in New York Meta, SKEMA Business School, France
Seminar Prof. G. Lanzolla (Bayes Business School) - Research Center on AI for Sustainable Value, SKEMA Business School, France
Seminar Prof. Shamir Ariel (Reichman University) - Research centre on Ai for Sustainable Value, SKEMA Business School, France
Since 2022
Seminar Prof. O. El Savy (University of Southern California) - Research Center Ai for Sustainable Value, SKEMA Business School, France
Since 2022
Member International Board, Association Française de Marketing (AFM), France
Since 2022
Ambassador representing SIM (Italian Society of Marketing) in AFM (Association Franchise de Marketing), Association Française de Marketing (AFM)
PhD Supervision
Since 2024
M. RABEYA CUARTAS, SKEMA Business School, PhD thesis, Thesis director
Since 2022
L. XIE, SKEMA Business School, PhD thesis, Thesis director
Since 2021
N. SORIN, SKEMA Business School, PhD thesis, Thesis director
M. OLMEDILLA FERNANDEZ, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, Habilitated for thesis direction, Thesis jury member
A. HAIDAR, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, PhD thesis, Thesis Reviewer
U. WISZNIOWSKA AYACHE, ESCP Business School, PhD thesis, Thesis Reviewer
A. KAKAR, Durham University Business School, Post-graduate dissertation, Thesis co-director
S. ANDRE, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, PhD thesis, Thesis director
J.-M. J. MATHEWS, Université Paris-Saclay, PhD thesis, Thesis jury member
C. GIRI, University of Böras, PhD thesis, Thesis jury member
M. LEBAN, ESCP Business School, PhD thesis, Thesis Reviewer
Z. ZHONG, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, PhD thesis, Thesis jury member
M. BORGES, ISCTE - Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, PhD thesis, Thesis co-director
M. HUURROS, Aalto University School of Economics, PhD thesis, Thesis Reviewer
Other academic activities
Since 2024
Expert CY Initiative - CY Generations - CY Cergy Paris Université, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France
2023 - 2024
International Assessment Board Member - Irish Research Council - Government of Ireland, Irish Research Council - Government of Ireland, Ireland
Since 2023
Research Affiliate Berkeley APEC Study Center (BASC), University of California, Berkeley, United States of America