Corpo docente
Margherita PAGANI
Artificial Intelligence for Business, Consumer behavior and new technologies (chatbots, robotics, AR), social media marketing, digital platforms, value creation and capture in digital ecosystems

DigitalizationCentro de pesquisa
SKEMA Centre for Artificial IntelligenceLocalização
MarketingMargherita Pagani is a Full Professor Ph.D. HDR of Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence and Digital Marketing and the Director of SKEMA Center for Artificial Intelligence at Skema Business School in Paris. She holds a Ph.D. in Management and the HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches). She also holds the position of Research Affiliate at the Berkeley APEC Study Center (BASC) at the University of California, Berkeley. Additionally, she serves as an Advisor for the European Economic Social Committee (EESC), focusing on the virtual worlds and European Metaverse.
Prior to her current role, she was the Founder and Academic Co-Director of the MSc in Digital Marketing & Data Science and Founder Director of the Research Center on Artificial Intelligence in Value Creation at emlyon business school (France). She was a Professor of Digital Marketing at Bocconi University, and emlyon business school, Visiting Scientist at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, and Visiting Professor at UCLA Los Angeles, Georgetown University (Washington), National University of Singapore, and Redlands University (CA). She serves as Associate Editor of Micro&Macro Marketing and as Editorial Advisor for Management Business Review.
Her current research is centered around the application of Artificial Intelligence in consumer experiential engagement, AI's impact on business creativity, digital media platforms, and the role of robotics in services. She published several books (published in the US, UK, Korea, and Italy) two encyclopedias, and articles in leading international journals, such as MISQuarterly, MIT Sloan Management Review, British Journal of Management, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Journal of Business Research, Harvard Business Review, Information&Management, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of International Advertising, Psychology & Marketing, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, International Journal of Mobile Marketing, The International Journal on Media Management, Revue Français du Marketing and a variety of other publications.
For her research activity and publications, she won the 2023 International Marketing Trend Award, and the 2009 Mobile Marketing Association Global Award "Academic of the Year". Her article published in MISQuarterly was selected as a finalist for "Best European Research Paper of the Year 2014". She also got the award for distinctive academic research from Bocconi University for the results achieved during the periods 2004-2006.
She has been recognized among the top 2% of highly cited scientists globally for the years 2022 and 2023 by Elsevier
Specializations: Digital and Artificial intelligence in Marketing
Human Centric Artificial Intelligence
Consumer behavior and digital technologies
Electronic commerce
Mobile marketing