Corpo docente
Kirsty PAOLI
Senior Lecturer
comptabilité, contrôleur de gestion, finance et coût du capital

AccountingKirsty Paoli is a British chartered management accountant (CIMA/AICPA- ACMA, CGMA) and director of the MSc AMAIS (Auditing, Management Accounting, and Information Systems) at SKEMA business school. She teaches modules in accounting, management accounting, audit, finance, and Power BI in different formats including classroom, full online and hybrid. Her 12 years in industry in different management accounting and audit roles help her anchor these courses in real life scenarios, whilst her close monitoring of the current business developments brings innovation and engagement to these different classes. Recently she has developed a full online accounting and management accounting class in VR to increase social presence during the learning experience.
She is now part-way through her Ph. D at the Université Paris-Dauphine (France). Her research interests centre around accounting, management accounting and finance.