Three SKEMA student associations to organise conference on leadership

The HeForShe association, a solidarity movement for the advancement of gender equality, has joined forces with Pourparlers, SKEMA's student debate association, and SKEMA Ventures Club, the student entrepreneurship association, to organise a conference on "Leadership and company management". It will be held on Tuesday, 24 January, at 5.30pm in Amphitheatre A on SKEMA’s Lille campus.
The debates will host:
- Laurence Joly, co-founder of Diag n'grow, a rating agency specialising in the evaluation of non-financial assets. Laurence is also the former director of INPI (Institut national de la propriété intellectuelle) and a member of the Think & Do Tank "La Fabrique du futur".
- Cécile Dekeuwer, president of WeCo, an innovative company that offers public and ecological sanitation. Cécile is also a lawyer by training, former president of the Lyon Bar Association, and former director of international companies. She is the founder of Business & Professional Women, Rhône-Alpes.
Date and time: Tuesday 24 January, 5.30 pm
Location: Amphitheatre A, Lille campus.