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Jump-starting, diffusing, and sustaining the circular economy
2022, Business Strategy and the Environment, 31(6), pp.2637-2640
Circular economy is a central theme in contemporary discourse on corporate sustainability. Yet, there is little evidence to suggest that the circular economy–as an economy-wide phenomenon–is taking root. Our aim in organizing this special issue is to identify key approaches to advance the circular economy. In analyzing and reviewing the articles included in this special issue, we conclude that the circular economy can be meaningfully advanced by taking a three-pronged approach that simultaneously emphasizes jump-starting, diffusing, and sustaining it. This triplet requires firms to develop their sensing, seizing and reconfiguring capabilities; proactively engage with suppliers, customers and other external stakeholders; and, to also engage with other firms and organizations to collectively create multidimensional value. In addition, the circular economy can be advanced if conceptualized and understood as a mechanism to achieve resilience at the level of the firm, industry, and socio-ecological systems.

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