Students launch app for French presidential election

Maxime Dupuy and Matthieu Riff have launched “Qui pense quoi” (”Who thinks what”): an app that compares the manifestoes of the French presidential candidates. In just one week, it has already been downloaded around 700 times.
Maxime Dupuy, a Master in Management (PGE) student currently doing an M2 MSc in Project and Programme Management at the Lille campus, and Matthieu Riff, a PGE student doing an M2 MSc in Corporate Financial Management at the Grand Paris Campus, published their application "Qui pense quoi" on the App Store and Play Store in January 2022.
Entirely devised by the two students parallelly with their studies, the project kept them busy for three months. "Both Matthieu and I have a real passion for politics, and this was our inspiration. In the past three months, we haven't even noticed the time pass: we've been working 30 to 40 hours a week on the app," says Maxime Dupuy, who comes from Strasbourg.
Helping to build opinions
Matthieu and Maxime's aim is to help young adults form a political opinion and, ultimately, create a community of exchange and sharing. "We were keen to maintain total impartiality with each candidate. With each of them, we selected five key measures based on press articles," says the student.
In a few days, the two students will deploy a tool that compares candidates' manifestoes by theme and candidates. "The aim is to provide clear and simple information to help young people build their opinions before the election and consider how they want to vote. To do this, we will write short-sourced news briefs on the election and the candidates every day," says Maxime, who has just completed an internship as a project manager at Amazon.
An app designed with no-code
To develop their app, the students worked on Adalo, a platform that enables novices to construct an app without the technical constraints of coding. "It's super easy to use; there are loads of options, and it doesn't cost anything," explains Maxime. In 2021, the duo's project named "Discuss", incubated in SKEMA Ventures, came fourth in the SKEMA Social Ventures Awards contest.
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