Skema > Skema event > how to indetify your priorities

How to indetify your priorities

Tuesday 01 October 2019
17:30 - 18:45

SKEMA Alumni is organising an online career workshop on

How to identify your priorities and find the right work/life balance

Get clarity on your current priorities and related actions.

Within 75 minutes, you will ve able to:
- Understand the notion of life facets, especially the dichotomy between work and life
- Identify how you can integrate your life facets using a specific coaching tool
- Define actions to better balance work and life
- Zoom in on career facet(s) and see what may be your leverages to be more satisfied (especially clarity and assertiveness)
- Ask questions to our coach Cyril Regourd.

For more information, please contact our SKEMA Alumni career centre

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