Skema > Skema News > skema china campus opens five new student societies

SKEMA China campus opens five new student societies

Published on 14 November 2017

In line with the expansion of the SKEMA Suzhou campus, five new student associations have been launched recently.

This gives students ​even more opportunities to organise and get involved in new projects in teams. 

Sports union: Just like its counterparts on SKEMA’s French campuses, the Suzhou sports union organises sports events of all sorts: tournaments, introduction to different sports etc.) 

HOPE: After Lille, Paris and Sophia-Antipolis, the humanitarian and social society HOPE (Humanitarian Organisation Promoting Equity) has been set up in Suzhou.  

Happiness Society: The first society to promote the notion of happiness for individuals in their personal and professional lives, through various activities (talks, mediation, meetings etc). 

The Shop: This society already exists in Sophia-Antipolis. It creates and sells various products branded “SKEMA Business School”. Goodies, sweatshirts and caps will soon be available to order. 

Skape: Based on the WeChat platform, Skape shares information on tourist destinations, events and advice from local experts for students in China for the long-term as well as for new arrivals. 

For more information, contact Jason Kim, student life supervisor Suzhou campus

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