Skema > Skema News > msc artificial intelligence gets cge accreditation

MSc Artificial Intelligence gets CGE accreditation

Published on 20 June 2019

Our newest master's degree, the MSc Artificial Intelligence for Business Transformation, has just received CGE accreditation. Now all 18 of our MSc programmes are CGE accredited.

The aim of the MSc Artificial Intelligence for Business Transformation is to train managers in visual analysis techniques and to respond to a pressing need in companies: to train managers capable of understanding and developing AI and of finding new solutions within companies.

This programme is taught in partnership with ESIEA, a French engineering school specialised in digital science and technology.

The Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE), French for "Conference of Grandes Écoles", is a French national institution, created in 1973, that represents all the engineering institutions accredited by the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur (CTI) to deliver the French Diplôme d'Ingénieur and all the business schools which deliver a master's degree.

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