Skema > Skema News > MSc International Business, Raleigh: Lenovo's vice president of Global Corporate Communications with students

Raleigh: Lenovo's vice president with students

Published on 24 November 2015

​​November, MSc International Business students on SKEMA’s Raleigh campus (US) attended a lecture by Jeff Shafer, vice president of Global Corporate Communications, Lenovo. The lecture was titled: "From Challenger to Leader: Building a Global Reputation at Lenovo"

The lecture was organised by the North Carolina Triangle Chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC).
Shafer presented the development of Lenovo, a firm that developed from a technological challenger to becoming a world leader. He shared anecdotes and experiences of Lenovo’s corporate communication (in a multicultural context, with the different perceptions of the firm in China and the US) over periods that have been both prosperous and more difficult.
Shafer then answered all students’ questions The students’ first participation at an IABC event opens the door to others and to fruitful collaboration between our school and this professional association.
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