EXPLORE SKEMA FROM A DISTANCEfor Executives & companies



SKEMA Executive Education

Distance learning solutions

SKEMA Executive Education offers a range of online courses adapted to your professional constraints (8 weeks, equivalent to three hours of time per week). Thanks to our digital platform SKOOL, SKEMA Open Online Learning, you can remotely access all the courses, as well as a multitude of resources (videos, articles, ...) made available by the teacher.

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Customised solutions for companies

Along with our customers, we are looking forward to a lasting improvement in the health and safety situation to resume on-site sessions. At the request of some of our clients, we adapted and moved the contents of our running programmes online. We are also working on rescheduling face-to-face training that has been cancelled, and several clients have already contacted us to ask us to work on their training plans for fall 2020.

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Face-to-face solutions

Like every year, we are currently working on our course portfolio for the 2020-21 academic year. The dates for all courses offered in the fall will be confirmed shortly. In the meantime, we invite you to contact us or browse our catalogue for more information.

Why choose SKEMA?
At the top of French and international rankings SEE RANKINGS
A global business school SEE SKEMA NEWS
A wide range of programmes COMPARE