TransformationCentro de pesquisa
SKEMA Centre for Sustainability StudiesLocalização
Sophia AntipolisDisciplina
Strategy, Innovation & EntrepreneurshipAnte Glavas is a Professor at SKEMA Business School based in the SKEMA Centre for Sustainability Studies and affiliated with the SKEMA Transformation Academy. He earned his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from Case Western Reserve University. He has published numerous publications on sustainability and social responsibility and was awarded the SAGE 10-Year Impact Award given to one of the three most impactful articles from SAGE’s 1,000+ journals – specifically this was for a co-authored review of Corporate Social Responsibility / Sustainability. His research has been covered in media outlets such as CBS, CNN, Fast Company, Fortune, GeekWire, GreenBiz, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal.
For his teaching, while previously at the University of Notre Dame, Ante received the management professor of the year award.
In practice, he was a senior executive in a Fortune 500 company, founded 3 social enterprises, and received the Presidential medal of honor for his work helping develop Croatia during and after the war.
Previously, he has lived in five countries, worked in over 50, and consulted to over 100 organizations.