Corpo docente
Behavioral Corporate Finance, CEO Personality, Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive compensation

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Finance & Accounting Insights on Risk and RegulationLocalização
FinancePr. Helen Bollaert is a permanent Professor of Finance and Accounting at SKEMA.She was Research Dean from February 2016 to August 2020 after a 3-year stint as Head of the European Centre for Corporate Control Studies (ECCCS). Helen Bollaert obtained her BSc degree from the University of Surrey and then went on to graduate from ESCP 1989). She successfully defended her PhD at the University of Lille 2 in 2011 and her HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) in 2016. Prior to her career in education, she worked for a number of years in financial audit. Her research interests include CEO psychology, mergers and acquisitions and leadership. Her most recent publications include the paper "CEO Narcissism and the Takeover Process: from Private Initiation to Deal Completion" (co-authored with Nihat Aktas, Eric de Bodt and Richard Roll) in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. She has also published co-authored papers on executive hubris, including in the Journal of Business Ethics. More recently, she has published papers on digital finance in Small Business Economics and the Journal of Corporate Finance.