Episode 5
Harry Potter: just like magic, will money disappear? - Finance

Published on 16/10/2023
Have you noticed? In just a few short years, notes and coins seem to have disappeared from our daily lives. Armed with our "magic wand", we can buy everything contact-free. Even the smallest item!
Will money disappear? What impact would this have on our lives and the economy? Who would benefit from this?
To investigate, Mary Michaelides called in a financial wizard and plunged him into a world where things appearing and disappearing are part of people's daily lives: that of Harry Potter! Laurent-Emmanuel Calvet is not a finance professor at Hogwarts but at SKEMA Business School's Finance & Accounting Insights on Risk and Regulation (FAIRR) research centre. Lumos! We are sure you will find this discussion enlightening…
"Makes Sense?" is a podcast from SKEMA Business School. This episode is presented by Mary Michaelides.
Find out more about Laurent-Emmanuel Calvet.
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in the World of Harry Potter uh there's
a currency called the G
and uh it's used but in our parallel
world the non-magical one or as Harry
Potter would say the Muggles world man
seems to be on the verge of Vanishing so
do you think that money in our world
will disappear no I don't think
so make sense Mak
sense welcome to Mak sense a leap in pop
culture to explore societal challenges a
podcast from schimmer Business School