Business law students cross swords at moot court

Every year, the students of the double degree in business law participate in the exercise of a moot court in front of their fellow students. The jury is composed of Isabelle Bufflier, head of the master's programme, and professionals from the legal world, such as Grégory Bourdrez, lawyer and teacher.
On 18 January, around twenty students from the double degree in management and business law took part in a moot court exercise on real issues, such as moral harassment. "This competition enables us to construct a coherent statement, which can be used to defend a cause. It is an excellent exercise to develop a fluent, persuasive, and cohesive speech," says Arnaud Latrasse, a Master 2 student.
A good exercise before entering law school
This exercise enables students to work on their argument and presentation of a statement. It gives them the opportunity to speak in front of a full amphitheatre and present arguments to defend a case. These mock arguments help participants and aspiring legal professionals to get hands-on experience and hone their skills. "This is a soft skill that is highly prized in legal firms," explains Isabelle Bufflier, a teacher-researcher and head of the double degree.
Students who wish to embark on a career as a lawyer after SKEMA find themselves completely at home here, such as Gwennaelle, who is aiming for a career in criminal business law or new technology law. "This moot court competition is a good exercise to prepare for the public speaking that a future lawyer would have to do. In my case, I had to defend a nurse accused of swindling a mutual insurance company, while Arnaud was responsible for representing the interests of the mutual insurance company. Through this competition, we can try things during our pleading. The environment is very compassionate. It will help me a lot during my studies at law school, where pleading is assessed on a continuous basis," said Gwennaëlle Caër, a student in the M2 year.
The Business Law programme
The business law double degree course (DDA) of SKEMA's Master in Management (PGE) programme is the result of a partnership with the Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale (ULCO). This two-year degree course in business law trains "legal managers" with degrees in management from the PGE programme and in law from the ULCO university. This highly demanding programme takes place at SKEMA's Lille campus and is both generalist and specialised. In the M2 year, students are trained in international and European business law, as well as in the new economies (digital and collaborative economy).
A career-boosting programme
For those who do not take the bar exam, the dual competence in management and law also acts as a real "career booster" in all areas of management: audit and control, regulated professions, human resources, investment banking, taxation, and corporate law, at the local and international level. "Many students from the DDA master's programme have gone on to work for major law firms such as Gide, August & Debouzy, and Deloitte. They have also joined the legal and other departments of large companies such as L'Oréal," concluded Isabelle Bufflier.