SKEMA China workshop on higher education in digital era

On 5 August, the workshop Higher Education in the Digital Era: Online and Hybrid Teaching and Learning from an International Perspective hosted by SKEMA Business School’s Suzhou campus in China, came to a close. It had been organised with the support of the Suzhou Dushu Lake Science and Education Innovation District Administrative Committee.
Six renowned experts and scholars from different fields were invited to analyse the future trends of higher education in the digital era. They led discussions on how to optimise online and hybrid teaching models from 4 to 5 August.
Rather than imparting commercial or internal training, this workshop aimed at enabling participants to get together and discuss issues that are still inconclusive, to find effective measures to solve the potential problems of higher education in digital era in the next five years, both in China and abroad.
Promote the development of higher education in digital era
At the final session of the seminar, Professor Wenyu Dou, academic dean of SKEMA China, launched an initiative to make an alliance for the development of higher education in the digital era with professors from all Chinese universities. “The aim of this alliance is to bring together the power and resources of Chinese professor so that they can jointly promote the development of higher education in the digital era,” he said.
The participants gave positive feedback on the high quality of the content of the workshop. Many of them expressed their feelings on the experience of the two-day special training. “Online or offline, they are not completely opposed. We professors should integrate both to adapt to the development of the times,” said Professor YI from Beijing.
SKEMA China aims to promote the development of higher education in the digital era, and more events will be organised to optimise online and hybrid teaching methods. This workshop strengthens the reputation of SKEMA as a pioneer and thought leader in digital higher education in China.