Knowledge, Technology and Organization
Knowledge, Technology and Organisation (KTO) is an interdisciplinary team of researchers, spanning across disciplines such as Strategy, Organization, and Entrepreneurship.

The Knowledge, Technology, and Organisation (KTO) research centre is an interdisciplinary team of researchers, spanning across disciplines such as Strategy, Organisation, and Entrepreneurship. The KTO research centre is also affiliated to the Management Research Group GREDEG (Groupe de Recherche en Droit, Économie et Gestion) of the University of the French Riviera (Université Côte d’Azur) - a unit of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS).
Research Themes
KTO seeks to contribute to academic and policy debates outlining both economic and management challenges within a knowledge-based global economy. Our core focus is on the study of innovation and knowledge in organisational, industrial, and regional contexts. The KTO research centre also hosts the Corporate Gender Diversity Observatory.
This project seeks to explore new theoretical and empirical directions within the studies of employee mobility, entrepreneurship and recruitment. This project contributes to literatures surrounding strategic management of human capital entrepreneurship by investigating the antecedents and consequences of individual intra-firm, inter-firm and entrepreneurship experiences in terms of firm and individual productivity, wage trajectories, job satisfaction, and employee career development. In addition, this project aims to offer recommendations regarding policy and management that can help policy makers, entrepreneurs, employers and prospective recruiters to develop high-quality entrepreneurship and impactful careers. The team develops these projects in collaboration with leading institutions, such as Georgia Tech, London Business School, and Drexel University.
Social evaluations in Strategy, Technology, and Organizations
This project aims to explore the antecedents and consequences of social evaluations in the context of digital transformation. Within this project, researchers aim to make several contributions to, for example, one of the following: the social evaluation of entrepreneurship (entrepreneurial failure in particular); status gatekeeping and the reactions of organisations to status threats; online evaluations under conditions of anonymity. The team develops these projects in collaboration with leading institutions, such as Boston University, HEC Paris, Tillburg University, and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU).
Relational dynamics in modern workplaces
This project aims to investigate social mechanisms within organisations, examples of which include performance, innovation, and organizational resilience, and the way in which they shape outcomes at different levels of analysis which include individual, team, network, and organization stages. Furthermore, this project builds upon multiple disciplines and methods: qualitative methods (e.g., discourse analysis based on interviews), quantitative methods (e.g., social network analysis, tERGM), and simulations (e.g., agent-based simulations). The team develops these projects in collaboration with leading institutions, such as INSEAD, Erasmus School of Management, IESE, and University of Lugano.
Economics of digitalization
The project investigates economic effects of digital technologies within multiple settings. These effects are apparent among a variety of individuals: among firms (having opportunities to move to new technologies), among consumers (having opportunities to shop online), among scientists (having online access to scientific papers), among the general public (having access to electronic social networks). This project spans these four settings. The originality in such a widely distributed project lies in the application of cutting edge methodology, most notably the data with high granularity, but also large scale online field experiments where appropriate. the project outcomes reverse much of the previously accepted conventional wisdom, the majority of which relied on more limited data. The team develops these projects in collaboration with leading institutions, such as Osaka University and Dartmouth College.
SKEMA KTO Paper Development Workshop
The SKEMA KTO Paper Development Workshop is a yearly event held on SKEMA's Sophia Antipolis campus. The event, open to doctoral students and young researchers, has a friendly atmosphere and strives to inspire development.
The purpose of the workshop is to enhance the research skills of promising scholars within the fields of strategy, international business, organisation, innovation and/or entrepreneurship, and to increase their likelihood of publication. The number of participants is always limited to allow for interactive discussions and feedback between individuals within a friendly environment.
Participants attend seminars conducted by leading scholars, such as Gautam Ahuja (Cornell Tech), Gino Cattani (NYU Stern), Lars Frederiksen (Aarhus University), Tobias Kreschmer (LMU), and Daniel Tzabbar (Drexel University).
Faculty coordinating the event: Ludovic Dibiaggio, former head of KTO,

SKEMA KTO Crossing Bridges
The SKEMA KTO Crossing Bridges is a yearly event held on SKEMA's Grand Paris Campus. The event is a workshop open to faculty and doctoral students, in which individuals can present their ongoing research at varying stages of development.
The purpose of the workshop is to create a dialogue between disciplines by displaying research that “crosses bridges” between strategy, innovation, entrepreneurship, and organisational behavior.
Past participants involved scholars such as Bernard Forgues (EM Lyon), Elena Dalpiaz (Imperial College), and Rodolphe Durand (HEC Paris).
Faculty coordinating the event: Saverio Favaron,

SKEMA KTO Seminar Series
The SKEMA KTO Seminar Series is a set of external seminars held at the Grand Paris and Sophia Antipolis Campus at SKEMA Business School. The seminars are a fundamental part of life for the research centre. We invite faculty from other institutions to present their ongoing research, meet our doctoral students, and exchange feedback about our research.
Recent presenters include faculty from leading European institutions such as Bocconi University, Copenhagen Business School, ESMT, HEC Paris, IE University, London Business School, and University of Cambridge, as well as overseas, such as Northeastern University and University of Maryland.
The seminars are open to external colleagues both on campus and remotely. You can ask to be added to the mailing list by contacting the faculty in charge of the seminars.
Faculty coordinating the seminars: Carla Rua,

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