Fil d'Ariane Accueil Corps professoral Corps professoral Isabella SOSCIA Professeur Consumer Behavior, Consumption emotions, Survey, Experiment Télécharger le CV Image Académie Innovation Centre de recherche Marketing Interactions Localisation Sophia Antipolis Discipline Marketing Carrière Publications Précédent Suivant Formation 2023 HDR, Université de Lille, France 2003 Ph.D., Bocconi University, Italie Expérience professionnelle Positions académiques principales Depuis 2022 Professeur, SKEMA Business School, France Autres activités de recherche Supervision de thèses 2022 Luiss Guido Carli University, Doctorat, Membre de jury Articles académiques revus BAGOZZI, R., SOSCIA, I. et BABUTSIDZE, Z. (2024). Yes, we care! Consumer emotional responses to corporate neglect of climate change and the role of individual differences.. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 58(4), pp. 1161-1192. PIZZETTI, M., ACUTI, D., SOSCIA, I. et GIBBERT, M. (2024). You designed that yourself for me? Vicarious pride in customized gift exchange. Psychology and Marketing, 41(10), pp. 2170-2180. PIZZETTI, M., CHEREAU, P., SOSCIA, I. et TENG, F. (2023). Attitudes and intentions toward masstige strategies: A cross-cultural study of French and Chinese consumers. Journal of Business Research, 167, pp. 114174. MOLA, L., BERGER, Q., HAAVISTO, K. et SOSCIA, I. (2020). Mobility as a Service: An Exploratory Study of Consumer Mobility Behaviour. Sustainability, 12(19), pp. 15. PRAYAG, G., MILLS, H., LEE, C. et SOSCIA, I. (2020). Team identification, discrete emotions, satisfaction, and event attachment: A social identity perspective. Journal of Business Research, 112, pp. 373-384. AMATULLI, C., DE ANGELIS, M., PELUSO, A.M., SOSCIA, I. et GUIDO, G. (2019). The Effect of Negative Message Framing on Green Consumption: An Investigation of the Role of Shame. Journal of Business Ethics, 157, pp. 1111-1132. SOSCIA, I., PRAYAG, G. et HESAPCI, O. (2019). Advertising guilt-laden vacations: The cross-cultural efficacy of a guilt decreasing appeal. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 39, pp. 57-64. ADDIS, M., MINIERO, G. et SOSCIA, I. (2018). Facing Contradictory Emotions In Event Marketing: Leveraging On Surprise. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 35(2), pp. 183-193. SOSCIA, I., BAGOZZI, R. et GUENZI, P. (2018). Cognitive and Affective Determinants of Sales Force Performance: A Two-wave Study. Industrial Marketing Management, 75, pp. 206-217. PRAYAG, G. et SOSCIA, I. (2015). Guilt-Decreasing Marketing Appeals: The Efficacy of Vacation Advertising on Chinese Tourists. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 33(4), pp. 551-565. ARBORE, A., SOSCIA, I. et BAGOZZI, R. (2014). The Role of Signaling Identity in the Adoption of Personal Technologies. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 15(2), pp. 86-110. SHRUM, L.J., LOWREY, T.M., PANDELAERE, M., RUVIO, A., GENTINA, E. et SOSCIA, I. (2014). Materialism: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Journal of Marketing Management, 30(17-18), pp. 1858-1881. TROILO, G., CITO, M.C. et SOSCIA, I. (2014). Repurchase Behavior in the Performing Arts: Do Emotions Matter Without Involvement? Psychology and Marketing, 31(8), pp. 635-646. SOSCIA, I., TURRINI, A. et TANZI, E. (2012). Non Castigat Ridendo Mores: Evaluating the effectiveness of humor appeal in printed advertisements for HIV/AIDS prevention in Italy. Journal of Health Communication, 17(9), pp. 1011-1027. SOSCIA, I., ARBORE, A. et HOFACKER, C.F. (2011). The impact of trial on technology adoption: the case of mobile TV. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 5(2/3), pp. 226-238. TURRINI, A., SOSCIA, I. et MAULINI, A. (2011). Web communication can help theaters attract and keep younger audiences. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 18(4), pp. 474-485. TURRINI, A., CRISTOFOLI, D., NASI, G. et SOSCIA, I. (2010). Lifting the veil of Maya: measuring the implementation gap of public management reforms in Italy. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 23(1). SOSCIA, I., GIROLAMO, S. et BUSACCA, B. (2010). The Effect of Comparative Advertising on Consumer Perceptions: Similarity or Differentiation? Journal of Business and Psychology, 25, pp. 109-118. SOSCIA, I. et TANZI, E. (2009). Tra reticenze e tabù. Social advertising e prevenzione della trasmissione sessuale dell’HIV in Italia. Economia & Management. SOSCIA, I. (2007). Gratitude, delight, or guilt: The role of consumers' emotions in predicting postconsumption behaviors. Psychology and Marketing, 24(10), pp. 871 - 894. SOSCIA, I. et COTTARELLI, P. (2005). Immaginazione; fantasie e ricordi: quando la pubblicita anticipa le emozioni del consumo. Micro & Macro Marketing - il Mulino, (1), pp. 5-26. SOSCIA, I. et OSTILLIO, M.C. (2005). Comunicazione integrata di marketing alias IMC: un nuovo scenario per la comunicazione? Economia & Management. OSTILLIO, M.C., SOSCIA, I. et SCOTTI, A. (2003). In principio era il verbo....creativo. Economia & Management, 4, pp. 39-61. SOSCIA, I. (2000). L'analisi dei documenti per la ricerca di marketing: una proposta metodologica. Micro & Macro Marketing - il Mulino, 1, pp. 79-96. Actes d’une conférence AMATULLI, C., DE ANGELIS, M., PELUSO, A., SOSCIA, I. et BAGOZZI, R. (2015). Consumers' Pro-Environmental Behaviors: The Role of Framing and Emotions., 43, pp. 449-450. SOSCIA, I., ADDIS, M., MINIERO, G. et SCOPPELLITI, I. (2008). How much do experiential events contribute in building brand image? SOSCIA, I., BUSACCA, B. et PITRELLI, E. (2008). Guilt decreasing marketing communication: an unexplored appeal. Articles académiques non revus TANZI, E. et SOSCIA, I. (2010). Uno studio descrittivo dei comportamenti safer sex tra i single eterosessuali di Milano. Politiche Sanitarie, 11(1), pp. 44-52. Chapitres d’ouvrage ATAKAN, S. et SOSCIA, I. (2021). The Role of Emotions in Designing Innovative Food Experiences for Consumer Well-Being: Contributions to Design Thinking. Dans: Winded Batat (ed.). Design Thinking for Food Well-Being. 1st ed. Springer, pp. 115-137. PIANCATELLI, C. et SOSCIA, I. (2021). Le ricerche per la comunicazione di massa. Dans: Ricerche di marketing. 1st ed. McGraw-Hill Education. SOSCIA, I. (2018). La soddisfazione del cliente: Un'emozione quasi fantastica. Dans: Enrico Valdani (ed.). Marketing. Una disciplina fantastica. 1st ed. Milano: EGEA, pp. 485-495. SOSCIA, I. et CARU, A. (2011). Esperienze di consumo e marketing esperienziale. Dans: Enrico Valdani (ed.). Marketing Management. 1st ed. EGEA, pp. 403-429. SOSCIA, I. et TROILO, G. (2011). Ricerche quantitative di marketing. Dans: Enrico Valdani (ed.). Marketing Management. 1st ed. EGEA, pp. 183-203. SOSCIA, I. et MOLTENI, L. (2009). Le ricerche di mercato. Dans: Sandro Castaldo (ed.). Marketing e Fiducia. 1st ed. Il Mulino. SOSCIA, I. et ADDIS, M. (2006). Acquisti, consumo ed emozioni. Dans: Management, vol.11. 1st ed. Università Bocconi Editore. SOSCIA, I. (2004). Gli sviluppi analitici nel periodo 1990-2003: l'esplorazione di nuovi ambiti di ricerca. Dans: Bruno Busacca (ed.). Consumatore, concorrenza e valore. 1st ed. EGEA. SOSCIA, I. (2003). Le ricerche per la comunicazione di massa. Dans: Luca Molteni, Gabrielle Troilo eds. Ricerche di marketing. 1st ed. McGraw-Hill Education. SOSCIA, I. (2001). Semiotica e comunicazione in store. Dans: Sandro Castaldo (ed.). Retailing & Innovazione. 1st ed. EGEA. SOSCIA, I. (2001). L'experience economy. Dans: Convergenza. 1st ed. EGEA. SOSCIA, I. et BAIETTI, I. (2000). L'utilizzo del testimonial in comunicazione: relazioni bi-direzional tra celebrita e categorie di prodotti. Dans: Attilio Mucelli (ed.). La comunicazione nell'economia d'azienda. Processi, strumenti, tecnologie. 1st ed. Giappichelli. SOSCIA, I. et BOTTI, S. (1999). L'innovazione della distribuzione europea. Dans: Euromanagement. 1st ed. EGEA. Editoriaux d’une revue SOSCIA, I. (2023). Managing the cultural business. Avoiding mistakes, Finding success: Book Review. International Journal of Arts Management. Ouvrages et édition d’ouvrages SOSCIA, I. (2013). Emotions and Consumption Behaviours. Edward Elgar Publishing, 160 pages. Présentations dans des conférences SOSCIA, I., PRAYAG, G. et LEE, C. (2018). Identity, Discrete Emotions, Satisfaction and Attachment- A Social Identity Perspective. Dans: INEKA. Verona. BABUTSIDZE, Z. et SOSCIA, I. (2018). What drives green consumer behavior? A cross-regional appraisal. Dans: Inter-disciplinary Workshop on Climate Change Risk Perception and Propensity to Act. Sophia Antipolis. SOSCIA, I. et TURRINI, A. (2017). Explaining fatal attraction to classical music: does complexity drive listeners' interest? Dans: AIMAC. Beijing. PRAYAG, G. et SOSCIA, I. (2016). Tourist Motivation and Place Attachment: The Mediating Effects of Service Interactions and Moderating Effects of Nationality. Dans: Global Marketing Conference. Hong Kong. SOSCIA, I., PRAYAG, G. et HESAPCI, O. (2016). Advertising Guilt-Laden Tourism Products: Beyond Cultural Differences. Dans: Global Marketing Conference. Hong Kong. SOSCIA, I. (2014). What are the consequences of consumer happiness on the consumption or performance? Dans: International Marketing Trends Conference. Venice. SOSCIA, I. (2014). Motivation and Tourists' Emotions as Antecedents of Place Attachment. Dans: EIASM (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management) workshop. Valencia. SOSCIA, I. (2014). Guilt Decreasing Marketing Appeals: The Efficacy of Luxury Vacation Advertising among Chinese Tourists. Dans: EIASM (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management) workshop. Valencia. SOSCIA, I. (2012). Solving the paradox of Machiavellianism: Machiavellianism may make for productive sales but poor team spirit. Dans: EIASM (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management) workshop. Lisbonne. SOSCIA, I., ARBORE, A. et MINIERO, I. (2010). Computer based lie detection technique for scale validation. Dans: AMA (American Marketing Association) Conference. Chicago. SOSCIA, I., BUSACCA, B. et PITRELLI, E. (2008). Guilt decreasing marketing communication: an unexplored appeal. Dans: EACR - European Conference on Consumer Research. Milan. SOSCIA, I., ADDIS, M. et MINIERO, G. (2008). How much do experiential events contribute in building brand image? Dans: EACR - European Conference on Consumer Research. Milan. SOSCIA, I., GIROLAMO, S. et BUSACCA, B. (2007). The effect of comparative advertising on consumer perception. Dans: EIASM (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management) workshop. Reykjavik. SOSCIA, I., BUSACCA, B. et PITRELLI, E. (2007). Guilt decreasing marketing communication: an unexplored appeal. Dans: EIASM (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management) workshop. Reykjavik. SOSCIA, I., ADDIS, M. et MINIERO, G. (2006). The role of experiential marketing in brand repositioning. A quasi-experiment in the spirit industry. Dans: EIASM (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management) workshop. Athens. SOSCIA, I., BUSACCA, B. et LA FALCE, L. (2004). Consumer choice processes in highly complex situations. Dans: EIASM (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management) workshop. Murcia. SOSCIA, I., BUSACCA, B. et VIANI, E. (2004). Responses to humorous advertsing: the mediatine effect of the type of product and the type of message. Dans: ICORIA Conference. Oslo. SOSCIA, I. (2002). Determining the relationship between customer satisfaction and post-consumption behaviours: an emotional approach. Dans: EIASM (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management) workshop. Braga. SOSCIA, I. et TURRINI, A. (2000). To be or not to be when the scene changes: tragedy or comedy for the theatres in Milan? Dans: ACEI Conference. Minneapolis. SOSCIA, I. et BAIETTI, I. (2000). The Use of Testimonial in Advertising: Bi-directional Relationships between Celebrities and Product Classes. Dans: EIASM (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management) workshop. Rotterdam. SOSCIA, I. et BAIETTI, I. (1999). L'utilizzo del testimonial in comunicazione: relazioni bi-direzional tra celebrità e categorie di prodotti. Dans: Convegno Nazionale AIDEA Giovani. Ancona.