MSc Luxury & Fashion Management

Informations pratiques
Type de programme
Temps plein
1 ou 2 ans
Frais de scolarité
22 000€ pour le MSc 1 an / 41 000€ pour le MSc en 2 ans
Sophia Antipolis (France)
Date d'entrée
Septembre, Janvier
Niveau d'admission
Bac+3, Bac+4

Présentation du programme
Le MSc LFM permet aux étudiants de réaliser leurs ambitions en leurs donnant un accès régulier à des spécialistes expérimentés de la mode et du luxe possédant à la fois de solides compétences académiques et des compétences pratiques en entreprise. Les étudiants bénéficient d'une formation en gestion de la mode et du luxe qui leur permet de comprendre les enjeux des tendances internationales et du travail interculturel.
Ce programme ouvre des perspectives de carrière dans un large éventail de domaines de la mode et du luxe. Tout en ayant une base disciplinaire solide dans la gestion internationale des marques de luxe, son éventail est tel que les diplômés pourront travailler avec des spécialistes d'autres domaines, en s'impliquant dans des postes de création, de marketing ou de finance.
- 1 ou 2 ans de formation dont 4 à 6 mois de stage et thèse
- Les professeurs et intervenants ont une solide formation universitaire et une expérience professionnelle pertinente en matière de luxe et de mode
- Les classes à forte proportion internationale permettent aux étudiants de nouer des relations interculturelles fructueuses entre eux et avec leurs professeurs.
- Les cours sont complétés par des présentations et des séminaires donnés par des professionnels, jouant également le rôle de consultants pour le programme d'études.
- Le programme s'appuie sur les avantages de sa localisation : la Côte d’Azur, historiquement reconnue comme berceau du luxe et de la mode
- L'enseignement met l'accent sur la résolution de problématiques liées au secteur de manière à ce que les diplômés soient opérationnels dès leur entrée sur le marché du travail.
Le programme en vidéo
so my name is Ivan cost I'm supposed to
be heading the lfm program the lectur in
fashion Management program which is an
MSE which has been granted all kinds of
approvals and recognition by the
ministry of higher education in France
so uh participants are welcomed by
professionals only so all courses are
done by them which means we are
definitely sticking into the evolution
of one of the fastest evolving industry
fashion and luy both of them are very
fast from a kinetic point of view we are
pushing the students to be attending as
many professional fairs and exhibition
as they can uh the the aim is also
devoted to uh students becoming uh
Publishers so they are presenting
conferences within the biggest ones they
are presenting speeches uh papers and
chapters for the the best publishing
companies in order to be leveraging
their pen profile at the moment they
will be joining the companies they are
dreaming to be
joining from this year we are only
making it uh in Sofia knowing the fact
the French R is currently uh hosting
many professional fairs and we are
within a 200 kilm diameter with Geneva
and 500 let's see with all kinds of big
ones the reason is also due to the fact
the frers are to be lending in either
NES or Parish
and the international connection there
is also something to be taken in
account from a business point of view uh
the aim of all courses is to be focusing
on pragmatic issues pragmatic Solutions
so many reports many group analyzes and
cases are to be led including many
inventions let's say from IP the
domination of the idea to the finalized
products as if they were to be launched
and some have even been launched uh
thanks to the Partnerships we're having
with many companies um knowing the fact
alumni are still close to the to the
program and this is really a family
approach so as I've been launching my
own companies myself I was willing uh to
be designing a program which which could
also be focusing on that kind of aspects
niche companies are blooming in theur
and fashion um activities vintage
secondhand time sharing are some new
business models so all courses are um
let's say existing from design to
finance and this is also a wonderful
opportunity for all participants because
some of the former alumni are today
working whether in the design or
communication activities or for the
financial and accounting ones so 80 85%
of them have been moving abroad and uh
this is definitely not the French luxury
being taught to foreigners so that they
could be becoming French this is really
a complete overview 360° analysis of the
evolution of these two
industries when targeting the different
countries which can be existing so from
a market point of view all countries are
definitely targeted everybody has got
his own definition for both luxury and
fashion uh incredibly these are growing
um Industries just because of the fact
luxury can be talking about aircraft
food so and Hospitality for sure not
only owning but also experiencing so um
we can have something like uh 10,000
different companies which are
specialized in luxury and fashion and
this is the reason why we don't have any
trouble in finding jobs for the former
Contenu du programme
Conditions d'admission
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