Alice Guilhon invited to webinar on pre-prep classes
The News Tank press agency, in partnership with SKEMA Business School, is organising a webinar on 16 February at 2pm on the theme: ECG (economic and general business) preparatory classes: preserving and opening up this strategic pool for the grandes écoles.
On the agenda: the year's challenges for the CPGE, a review of the past year, an update on changes in programmes, selection and preparation, and the involvement and role of the grandes écoles.
Specialists in the educational ecosystem
Alice Guilhon, Dean and Executive President of SKEMA Business School, will be invited as the President of the Conference of Directors of French Management Schools (CDEFM). The conference will be moderated by Gilbert Azoulay, journalist and Managing Director of News Tank Education.
Also participating in the webinar will be Alain Joyeux, President of the Association des professeurs des classes préparatoires économiques et commerciales (APHEC) and Romain Vismara, President of the Bureau National des Étudiants en école de Management (BNEM).
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