SKEMA Transitions
SKEMA has created the "SKEMA Transitions" programme to accelerate the integration of the principles of sustainable development and responsible management into all of the school's activities. It also aims to train committed professionalscapable of being part of a dynamic of transformation.

The mission of SKEMA Transitions is to accelerate and intensify, in close partnership with all stakeholders, the integration of the principles of sustainable development and responsible management at SKEMA Business School and in all the activities of the school: at the level of governance, in our programmes, our research, the operation of our campuses and our partnerships.
Principles: the 3D Plan
SKEMA Business School's commitments and objectives in terms of environmental, social and societal transitions are detailed in a plan titled "3D". SKEMA Transitions is responsible for implementing and monitoring this plan. This plan is structured around three major dimensions — Diversity, Decarbonisation, and Digital (& Data) for Good — and is broken down into four areas of action: our training and education, our research, our community, and our campuses and ecosystems.
Each dimension of this plan is associated with commitments and objectives for 2024-2030.

Respecting, cultivating and mobilising our diversity
Diversity is SKEMA's hallmark. It is what makes SKEMA different and is its main asset. Diversity concerns people and their situations: gender, culture and nationality, age, educational backgrounds, skills and expertise, and the graduates' careers in various industries and countries.
ImageOur campuses, located in different geographical areas and natural environments, are the places where all the forms of diversity found at SKEMA meet and express themselves.
This diversity - or rather these diversities - contribute to forming our human, cultural and social capital, sources of inclusive wealth. It is up to us to protect it and mobilise it within a committed, well-functioning community.
Our 10 objectives
- Creation of a Diversity and Inclusion Chair (2024).
- Creation of a Transition Act and implementation by 100% of programmes (2025).
- Train 100% of our students in diversity management issues (2025).
- Train 100% of our employees in diversity management (2025).
- Launch of a success support centre (2025).
- Ensure 50% of our student associations have an impact mission (2026).
- Define a five-year environmental identity action plan for all campuses (2026).
- Ensure more than 50% of publications are related to the SDGs (2027).
- Carry out 1,000 Move For Good projects on our campuses (2027).
- Provide €10 million in financial aid to our students (2027).
What have we achieved so far?
Creation of the SKEMA Transition Act
Implementing our low-carbon transition
International mobility is at the heart of SKEMA's model. It gives students an unparalleled personal experience of the world's diversity. It raises their social and environmental awareness. We are not giving up on international mobility, instead, we are committing to our low-carbon trajectory, marked by the gross and net reduction of greenhouse gas emissions throughout its value chain.
ImageOur 10 objectives
- Creation of a responsible travel policy for staff and students (2024).
- Creation of a ‘New Mobility’ Chair (2025).
- Creation of a Transition Act and implementation by 100% of programmes (2025).
- Train 100% of our students in low-carbon transition issues (2025).
- Train 100% of our employees in low-carbon transition issues (2025).
- Ensure 50% of our student associations have an impact mission (2026).
- Have at least 50% of our employees involved in actions or projects dedicated to the low-carbon transition (2026).
- 15% reduction (or 1800 TEqCO2) in carbon footprint compared with 2022 (2026).
- Ensure more than 50% of publications are related to the SDGs (2027).
- Invest €50 million in campuses, with a target of 30% carbon reduction and 40% energy reduction compared with 2019 (2030)
What have we achieved so far?
Development of a responsible travel policy for staff and students: currently being finalized
Creation of the SKEMA Transition Act
Developing a culture of digital responsibility
Digital technologies, particularly artificial intelligence, are taking over and transforming virtually every economic sector. These technologies are ambivalent: they have the potential to help humankind achieve the SDGs, while at the same time carrying socio-environmental risks. SKEMA is committed to reconciling the digital transition and the (socio)-ecological transition by giving digital technology its rightful place as a facilitator and accelerator of Transitions.
ImageOur 10 objectives
- Creation of a 'Generative AI for Good' Chair (2024)
- Creation of the Sustainable IT Charter & 50% reduction in the volume of data stored on SKEMA servers (2024)
- Deployment of the SKEMA AI skills repository (2024)
- Creation of a Transition Act and implementation by 100% of programmes (2025)
- Train 100% of our students in the challenges of digital responsibility and AI (2025)
- Train 100% of our employees in digital responsibility and AI (2025)
- Creation of an acceleration programme, 'AI for Accelerating Impact', for impact startups supported by SKEMA Entrepreneurs (2025)
- Ensure 50% of student associations have an impact mission (2026)
- Have more than 50% of publications related to the SDGs (2027)
- Ensure 100% of our students have Microsoft certification (2027)
What have we achieved so far?
Creation of the “Generative AI for Good” Chair with Microsoft
Deployment of the SKEMA AI skills framework
Signature of the Sustainable IT Charter & 50% reduction in the volume of data stored on SKEMA servers.
Charter of the Institut du Numérique ResponsableCreation of the SKEMA Transition Act
Networks and labels
SKEMA is involved in or belongs to various groups and networks. Through these partnerships, the school has the opportunity to share, contribute, learn and experiment.
International & national networks

Labels & standards