Student associations

​​​Welcome to the vibrant world of student associations at SKEMA Business School!​

4 étudiants à l'entrée de Skema

Joining a student association at SKEMA can give you the unique opportunity to foster a sense of commitment while immersing yourself in a tapestry of diverse perspectives and experiences.

Our vibrant and multicultural student community reflects the rich cultural diversity of our institution. Our pedagogical approach, grounded in global realities and contemporary social needs, transcends traditional boundaries, making SKEMA a hub where education e​volves with the world.

About 80 active associations welcome students every year, enabling them to go beyond the academic curriculum and put their skills to the test in a real-world scenario. From culinary art, business, fashion, sports, music and cinema, culture and performing arts, to impact initiatives and humanitarian missions, there's an association for everyone. We firmly believe in the power of community engagement to shape tomorrow's leaders – individuals who are globally aware and connected.

We strongly believe in gender parity within our associations and are committed to equality and inclusion. About 64.21% of executive positions are held by women. Within our inclusive environment, every student is encouraged to thrive and contribute.

Our diverse associations provide a fantastic platform where leadership, innovation, and solidarity converge, fostering the development of essential soft skills such as self-confidence, teamwork, and adaptability for personal and professional growth.

By joining SKEMA's associative network, you become part of a movement shaping a collaborative, equitable, and innovative future. You're not just participating in an activity; you're contributing to something much larger.
