Around thirty companies at the Apprenticeship Fairs in Lille and Paris

The Apprenticeship Fairs, recently held on 16 and 23 May on the Lille and Paris campuses, was marked by the active participation of around thirty companies, who enthusiastically met over a hundred motivated candidates.
This dynamic meeting was the scene of fruitful exchanges and professional synergies in various business sectors, ranging from mass retailing to banking and asset management, as well as SMEs, the agri-food sector, consulting firms and industry.
The companies present expressed their satisfaction with the quality of the candidates they met, while the latter seized the opportunity to discuss both their career aspirations and their concrete needs in terms of work-linked training recruitment. The event was therefore hailed by all the parties involved, underlining the importance and effectiveness of such initiatives for the development of professional careers and the dynamism of the job market.
These events are important occasions for sharing knowledge, exploring new opportunities and strengthening collaborations in the professional world.