Bernardo Pagnoncelli to participate in Chile Day on 13 September

Bernardo Pagnoncelli, associate professor at SKEMA Business School, a member of the Digitalisation Academy and the SKEMA Centre for Analytics and Management Science research centre, and director of the AI in Operations Management specialisation of our PhD in Business Administration, will be participating in Chile Day. This series of conferences is organised in London on 13 and 14 September by the Chilean government.
Professor Pagnoncelli is familiar with the Chilean economic environment, having spent part of his career at the Chilean university Adolfo Ibañez. He will be speaking on a panel discussing the following question: "How to Improve Investment Policies to Deliver Better Pension Payments."
He will be joined by Carolina Mery (chief investment officer at AFP Habitat) and Jorge Valencia (executive vice president, head of wealth management and insurance at Banco Santander). The discussions will be moderated by Silvia Fernandez, country manager at BlackRock Chile.
Visit the website for more information
Learn more about Pr. Pagnoncelli.
Read more about PhD in Business Administration's AI in Operations Management specialisation.