International youth attitudes revealed in EYES 2021 report
The Emergy Youth Early Signs (EYES) report sets out to capture the early stages of opinion forming in international youths on five social issues initially prioritised by young people themselves: traditional media and the press, social media, security, new technologies and the world of work.
Taking a global comparative approach, the EYES 2021 report points out the similarities and differences between emerging concerns around these issues among young people from five countries: Brazil, China, France, South Africa and the United States of America. The analysis is based on some one hundred verbatim statements of young people gathered in working groups, then 55.5 million tweets published between by nearly 2.8 million young people aged 18 to 24. Twitter monitoring was conduted by Antidox, between July 2020 and June 2021, thanks to text mining and sentiment analysis.
The above is an excerpt of the EYES 2021 report article published on SKEMA's PUBLIKA think tank website.
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