Jean-François detout offers his top tips to boost web strategy for SMEs

Professor Jean-François Detout, director of our MS Manager in Marketing Data and E-commerce programme, has published his third book with Vuibert titled "60 JOURS pour dynamiser ma stratégie web" (60 Days to Boost My Web Strategy), in which he provides solutions to the visibility problems on the web that time-strapped entrepreneurs face.
Following the success of his books on e-commerce and distance learning, Jean-François Detout (practitioner professor of management) has released his third work on web strategy with Vuibert editions. In it, he has shared his best recipes and techniques to help entrepreneurs overhaul their digital strategy. "This is a demand targeting a very specific audience for whom a guide is not available today. This book is aimed at business owners, entrepreneurs, and managers who do not have time to manage their web strategy. It moves away from the jargon and Anglicisms of the web to provide a roadmap to follow," explains Jean-François Detout.
240 pages to master your digital strategy
The author guides the reader step by step, aided by infographics, diagrams, and graphical elements that simplify the correct way to "do web." "The goal is to show readers the process that I have always followed with my clients, with a guest who provides insights," adds the director of the MS Manager in Marketing Data and E-commerce. SEO, social media strategy, upgrading a website and communication channels, implementing a routine, it's all covered.