SIGEM: SKEMA confirms its sixth place
The results of the Banque Commune d'Epreuves (BCE) competition were published on Friday 22 July by SIGEM.
The school, which is present on all five continents, confirms its sixth place among the 27 Grandes Ecoles of Management members of the SIGEM this year.
Further proof of the school's attractiveness
With 8,140 candidates having chosen SKEMA (i.e. 85% of the candidates of the BCE - Banque Commune d'Epreuves), SKEMA is the school preferred by the number of preparatory class students for the third consecutive year. This sixth place confirms the underlying trend observed for several years in terms of choices made by preparatory students. Over the last 9 years, SKEMA has shown a constant progression and gained 7 places in SIGEM. "If the preparatory candidates strongly position the school among the top French schools, it is due to SKEMA's ability to place innovation at the heart of its Grande Ecole Programme and the 'ThinkForward' continuum to decipher the world's major challenges and project themselves into future careers" says Denis Boissin', Director of the Grande Ecole Programme.
Innovations that make sense for preparatory classes
At the start of the new academic year, students entering SKEMA will be able to study social sciences in greater depth through the new module "Major issues in contemporary society", taught by the eminent sociologist Philippe Riutort. Geopolitics, an area in which the school has made great strides, will be given concrete form this year with the creation of a school of geopolitics, headed by Frédéric Munier as Executive Director, and the double degree agreement signed with Sorbonne University.
In the fields of technology, SKEMA has also just announced double degree agreements with prestigious international universities such as Polimi (ex-Politecnico di Milano) in Product Management and UX Design and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT CTL), whose supply chain and procurement students will benefit from the MITx Micromaster course created and delivered by the American university.
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