SKEMA Brazil launches new course in partnership with Faculty of Medicine of Minas Gerais
On 17 March, SKEMA's Belo Horizonte campus held an inaugural lesson on the innovation and health market, in conjunction with the Faculty of Medicine of Minas Gerais. This topic was the subject of a new course for SKEMA's Global BBA students.
The "Innovation and business development in the health area" course, offered to BBA students in the framework of a partnership between SKEMA and the Faculty of Medicine of Minas Gerais, enables students to develop innovative projects that can have direct implications in the health sector.
Not only to generate an impact on the innovation market but also at the social level. "The Faculty of Medicine of Minas Gerais represents a partner of excellence for SKEMA, with whom we share the same level of requirements, whether in terms of professionalisation or learning for our students," explains Geneviève Poulingue, director of the Belo Horizonte campus.
A transdisciplinary partnership with impact
After Geneviève Poulingue's introductory remarks, professor José Celso Cunha Guerra Pinto Coelho, director of the Faculty of Medicine of Minas Gerais, welcomed this new strategic partnership, emphasising "the importance of this course for students but also for society". Geneviève Poulingue agreed: "This partnership enables students to work in a transdisciplinary approach. We need to stimulate social entrepreneurship with an education that promotes creativity, digital business, commercial rigour and user experience."
Round table with health and innovation professionals
After a presentation of the Mater Dei Hospital by its director, Dr Henrique Salvador, the students were able to listen to a round table discussion on the theme of innovation in the health sector with leading speakers such as Hercules Neves, director of the Feluma Innovation Institute, Dr Henrique Salvador, Igor Dias, a professor specialising in project management in the innovation sector, and Daniel Ribeiro de Oliveira, a specialist in innovation and strategy and the manager of SKEMA Ventures in Brazil.
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