SKEMA Job Service: a student association involved in organising NRJ Music Awards
Organised every year at the Palais des Festivals in Cannes, the NRJ Music Awards event brings together millions of television viewers. To ensure the success of this extraordinary event, the organisers call on the students of SKEMA Business School and SKEMA Job Service, a student association that offers paid assignments to SKEMA students through its website.
SKEMA's Sophia Antipolis campus has a rich and dynamic network of associations integrated into its ecosystem. For several years now, students from this campus have been helping to welcome celebrities and the public to NRJ Music Awards, an American-style music show broadcast at prime time on TF1. "NRJ Music Awards is SKEMA Job Service's biggest event. We have been proud to work with the organisation for several years now," explains Stanislas Brun, a Master in Management (PGE) programme student at the Sophia Antipolis campus and a business developer for SKEMA Job Service.
Whether it is the placement of guests or the regulation of people at the entrance, the students play an essential role in this event
Behind the scenes
In November, the association will launch a major campaign to recruit necessary staff for the show's organisers to welcome the public. "We will be interviewing around 200 people and sending around 120 CVs to our partner.
For its part, the agency we work with will retain about 80 people," says Stanislas Brun, adding: "For those who participate, it's a great opportunity to see behind the scenes of the show!" Along with his colleagues, he will pass on the torch to new office representatives in January.
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