SKEMA trains student representatives to fight sexual and gender-based violence
In the context of its continuous commitment to improving the experience and well-being of its students, SKEMA Business School has taken a significant step. Continuing the awareness-raising conferences at the start of the academic year, and for the third year, SKEMA called upon the OBVSS to conduct special training for student representatives on sexual and gender-based violence on its three French campuses.
The training for student representatives on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) was delivered across the three French campuses of SKEMA and involved more than a hundred students. It was held in the form of a 3.5-hour workshop led by the Observatoire des VSS dans l'Enseignement Supérieur (OBVSS), a partner student association with which SKEMA collaborated for the third consecutive year. The content of the training was designed to equip these volunteer students with the necessary skills to act effectively in SGVB situations.
The introduction covered theoretical aspects of awareness, including definitions, consequences of SGVB, and the presentation of the SGVB framework at SKEMA, as well as the integration of disciplinary and criminal procedures. "You will recognise them by their pink armbands; the SGVB representatives from SKEMA's associations have a crucial role to play in the school's student life. They work through a series of targeted actions to prevent the risks of SGVB situations, especially during festive events, by raising awareness/prevention, organising dedicated zen spaces, providing a reassuring presence, and emphasising on the need to develop respectful behaviours," explains Axelle Sapy, head of student and associative life across all campuses.
What is the role of an SGVB representative?
The role of an SGVB representative, as defined in this training, is to know how to react to an SGVB situation, guide victims towards the appropriate resources, and maintain a posture of listening and support, without overstepping their role.
Your associative contacts on the campuses:
- Sophia Antipolis:
- Lille :
- Grand Paris campus: [
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