Episode 10
The Godfather: How to survive the corporate life

Published on 18/03/2024
At work, with your colleagues, you're bound to have felt like you are in a scene from The Godfather movie. A word out of place, a crooked smile... You've got your finger on the trigger, your composure hanging by a thread.
But how can you prevent the pretences and unspoken words of the office from degenerating into a vendetta? How do you survive corporate life... and even more so, your colleagues?
To prevent us from turning into Don Corleone, Kevin Erkeletyan has made Professor Fabien Seraidarian an offer he can't refuse. A specialist in organisational transformation, SKEMA Business School's director of the Global Executive MBA programme and research & knowledge transfer, is here to help us cope with the extended family that business sometimes is.
Management, leadership, education, marketing, geopolitics, sustainability, luxury, law, AI, and more — all of SKEMA's expertise imparted through pop culture to boost your general knowledge.
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dans le Parin certaines tensions se
transforme en conflit ouvert entre
collègues comment l'éviter j'essaierai
d'être optimiste Kevin et je pense qu'il
n'y a pas de fatalité
bienvenue dans S un sa dans la pop
culture pour explorer les questions de
société podc