Talent Barometer 2023
How do young talents see their future in the working world?
A SKEMA Business School x EY study, conducted in collaboration with Opinionway.

"Young people, often described as Generation Z, have become a fully fledged research topic."
Beyond the diversity of expectations, the new generation demonstrates above all its commitment. Although these young people share many of their elders’ values, their priorities are changing, there are turning points that require real attention and new expectations are emerging.
SKEMA Business School, in partnership with EY, conducted a survey in September 2022 with more than 1,400 students, having joined its various programmes on all its campuses, in order to better understand their expectations towards their future employer. This first edition of the Talent Barometer, carried out with the research institute Opinionway, highlights the students' state of mind with regard to their future, the purpose and meaning of work and CSR commitments, as well as their perception of working conditions.