
Berill BLAIR

Associate Professor

Resilience & Transformation, Développement durable, Multistakeholder Processes, Cross-sector Partnerships, Environmental Management, Responsible Innovation, Climate Change, Arctic Affairs

Berill BLAIR



Research center

SKEMA Centre for Sustainability Studies




Strategy, Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Berill Blair is Associate Professor of Sustainability at SKEMA Business School. Her research focuses on cycles of conservation and change in social-ecological systems, and the opportunities they create for organizations, key sectors, institutions and communities to form new partnerships addressing the sustainability grand challenge. In both research and education, she emphasizes ecosystem-based management, long-term perspectives, experimentation and bringing together academia and societal stakeholders in collaborative research.

Previously, Berill held two postdoctoral positions, most recently at the Environmental Systems Analysis Group at Wageningen University (Netherlands). Her postdoc work focused on responsible innovation in climate services for marine transport sectors, and sustainable water consumption in the tourism sector in coastal mass tourism destinations.

Berill received her PhD in Natural Resources and Sustainability at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (USA). Her dissertation examined sustainable community planning and resource development in Arctic Alaska, building on extensive fieldwork in collaboration with Iñupiat communities.

Since 2016 Berill has served as contributor for the Polar Research and Policy Inititative, a UK-based international think-tank dedicated to Arctic, Nordic, North Atlantic, North Pacific and Antarctic affairs.


PhD Natural Resources and Sustainability, University of Alaska Fairbanks, United States of America
Master of Arts, Global Environmental Policy, University of Alaska Fairbanks, United States of America
Bachelor of Science, Computer science, Western Oregon University , United States of America
Resilience and Adaptation Program Fellow, University of Alaska Fairbanks, United States of America
Full-time academic positions
Since 2022
Associate Professor, SKEMA Business School, France
2017 - 2022
Postdoctoral researcher, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands
Other academic affiliations and appointments
2012 - 2017
Research Assistant, University of Alaska Fairbanks, United States of America
2007 - 2010
Teaching Assistant, University of Alaska Fairbanks, United States of America
Research grants, Awards and Honors
Awards and Honors
Resilience and Adaptation Program Fellowship, University of Alaska Fairbanks, United States of America
Research Grants
Advancing sea ice and weather information in the Arctic to support sustainable development, Research Council of Norway
Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, National Science Foundation, United States of America
Other research activities
Reviewer for:
Weather, Climate, and Society, Ecology and Society
Organization of a conference or a research seminar
GRONEN 2024, Group for Research on Organizations and the Natural Environment
Co-convener, ISAGA 2023 workshop, International Simulation and Gaming Association
Co-convener, EGU 2023 session SC3.15, European Geosciences Union
European PolarBoard Open Session (PPP-SERA), World Meteorological Organization, The Netherlands
Resilience 2014 | Session 'Pathways of Resilience in a Rapidly Changing Alaska', CIRAD, France
Other academic activities
Since 2016
Contributor, Polar Research and Policy Initiative, Great Britain
2016 - 2017
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme Working Group, Arctic Council

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Book chapters

Keynote speaker

Guest editor of a journal special issue

Conference presentations

Faculty research seminar presentations

Technical reports