Business Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Statistics, Open Content, Literature Review Methodology, Intelligence artificielle

DigitalizationResearch center
SKEMA Centre for Artificial IntelligenceLocation
Analytics Information & OperationsChitu Okoli has a bachelor’s degree (1996) in computer science and a Ph.D. (2003) in business administration, both from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA. He has an Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR, 2020) from Université de Nantes, France. He was a faculty member at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada from 2003 to 2016; he has been at SKEMA Business School, Paris, since 2017.
His primary research areas are currently data science and artificial intelligence for social science research; theory development with literature review methodology; and open content (free and open source software, Wikipedia, etc.). His research competencies include both quantitative methods (such as data mining and multivariate statistical analyses) and qualitative methods (such as the Delphi method and theory-building with literature reviews), as well as mixed qualitative-quantitative methods. His publications are listed on Google Scholar:
He teaches courses in business intelligence, data mining, research methods, literature reviews, and computer programming. In the past, he has also taught information systems management, database management, website development, information systems development, network design, and other related topics.
Before entering academia, he worked as a computer systems analyst and as a human resources administrator.