
Jean-François DETOUT

Professor of practice

Enseignement en ligne, Marketing digital, e-commerce

Jean-François DETOUT







E-commerce entrepreneur since 2009 (3 online sites including 2 for resale, shareholder in other sectors), Jean-François Detout is an e-commerce specialist, acting as a speaker, consultant, trainer, coach or mediator on specific subjects such as site redesign, digital marketing, web strategy, dashboards & KPIs or even the management of communication plans in a user-centric. He co-wrote the book “E-commerce – Créez et animez votre boutique en ligne”, published in October 2017, co-wrote the book “Pro en Formation à Distance” in 2021 and wrote “60 days pour booster ma stratégie web" in 2024, all three published by Vuibert. He has been involved in SKEMA since 2011 (Project, strategy, e-commerce account), he created and took charge of the MS MDCE in SKEMA Paris in August 2017, then the MS MDCE Lille in 2018 then will create the MS MDCE Blended in 2022.

Jean-François Detout became Practitioner Professor of Management in 2022. He has received 6 awards from the School since 2020. In parallel with his activities at SKEMA, Jean-François is a consultant, trainer and mentor for the JFD Consulitng entity.

In 2023/2024, he is leading the project allowing the release of MS MPP Blended in October 2024.

Master in Marketing - Communication & Culture, IAE Lille, France
Higher Education Teaching Certificate, Harvard University, United States of America
Google Certified Educator, Google, Other countries
Blended Learning with edX
International Teachers Programme, London Business School, Great Britain
Certification Marketing digital - Niveau avancé - TRIDAN, France
Full-time academic positions
Since 2022
Practitionner Professor of Management, SKEMA Business School, France
2017 - 2022
Senior Lecturer, SKEMA Business School, France
Other academic affiliations and appointments
Since 2017
Program Director - Mastère Spécialisé Manager Marketing Data & Commerce Electronique, SKEMA Business School, France
2012 - 2017
External Teacher, SKEMA Business School, France
Other professional experiences
Since 2012
Consutant/Formateur/Enseignant E-Commerce, SARL JFD Consulting, France
2009 - 2019
Responsable E-Commerce Multi-sites, SARL Commerce Inn, France
Research grants, Awards and Honors
Awards and Honors
"Evaluation par les pairs dans la formation en ligne : quels défis pour la construction de la communauté d’apprenants ?", SKEMA Business School, France
Faculty Excellence Award for Executive Eduction in Marketing, SKEMA Business School, France
Digital learning Excellence Award - W-journey with Renault, SKEMA Business School, France
"Utilisation du Parcours des Idées au sein de la Digital Consulting Week", SKEMA Business School, France
Prix Spécial du Jury du Cercle Marketing Client, ADETEM
Outstanding Achievement - Knowledge Website, SKEMA Business School
Lauréat eCommerce Stars 2010, CCI Lille
Other research activities
Other academic activities
Since 2022
Membre des groupes de travail "Habilitation numérique" et ", Chapitre des Grandes Ecoles (CGE), France
2020 - 2021
ADETEM, France

Books and book editor

Conference presentations

Faculty research seminar presentations

Press and social media