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Analytics Information & OperationsProfessor Paul Gardiner is the Director of the DBA and the multi-site Scientific Director for the MSc in Project and Programme Management and Business Development at SKEMA Business School, France. With a first degree in Mineral Technology from Imperial College, London, UK, and industry experience in manufacturing and applied oil and gas research, he went on to obtain his PhD in 1993 from the School of Engineering at the University of Durham, UK. His first academic appointment was at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, where he built up a project management community of research and practice and launched the Masters in Strategic Project Management. Professor Gardiner was the lead academic in an international team winning EUR 5 million to launch an Erasmus Mundus collaborative European Masters with universities in the UK, Italy and Sweden. In 2008 he went on to design, establish and direct postgraduate programmes at Masters and Doctoral levels in the British University in Dubai. Other assignments have included running MBA courses at Edinburgh Business School and the University of Edinburgh, teaching on the international programme at ICN Business School, Nancy, France and on the Executive MBA at Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH), Jakarta, Indonesia. Professor Gardiner is an Academic Advisor (University of Manchester) for a PhD programme in the UAE and has held external examinerships at the Universities of Bradford and Ulster in the UK. His research interests, supported by a USD50,000 PMI research grant in 2015, are in the strategy-project interface, evolutionary learning and complex project risk management. He has authored and co-authored over 70 journal articles and conference papers, and publishes on project management in several ranked international journals. He is a reviewer for the International Journal of Project Management, Project Management Journal and Construction Management and Economics and has authored an international textbook on project management for Palgrave Macmillan.