Sabrina CHIKH
Associate Professor
Gouvernance d'entreprise, Finance durable, Behavioral finance

GlobalizationResearch center
SKEMA Centre for Global RisksLocation
FinanceDr. Sabrina CHIKH is permanent Associate Professor at SKEMA and she is the head of the MSc in Corporate Financial Management. She holds a Master in Finance (Lille 2) and she is graduate of SKEMA. She wrote four papers during her PhD time and she presented them in several international conferences and published one of them in the Journal of Corporate Finance. Her topic is the CEO effects on the firm performance. She has also developed studies in sustainable finance and earned the SAB Trophy 2014. She is as well interested in behavioral finance and wrote a book which will be published in fall 2016. She won the 2019 Innovation Teaching Prize (Skema). She has an experience in Supply Chain Management at Bonduelle Food Service.