Benjamin Ferré, SKEMA alumnus, in next Vendée Globe

Benjamin Ferré, a 2015 alumnus of SKEMA Business School, will be taking part in the next Vendée Globe, a single-handed non-stop round the world yacht race, which will start in Les Sables-d'Olonne in 2024. Coached by the "King" Jean Le Cam, Benjamin will be sailing on the same monohull as Clarisse Crémer, who finished 12th in the last edition. In this adventure that is both sporting and humanistic, he is being supported by several partner organisations: Monnoyeur, DUO for a JOB, Huntéo, and notably, SKEMA Business School!
He will be the first SKEMA Business School alumnus to set sail on an Imoca yacht in a legendary race! In 2024, Benjamin Ferré, a graduate of SKEMA's Master in Management (PGE) programme, will take the helm of his ship to compete in the next edition of Vendée Globe. This is another way for the Malouin to indulge his consuming passion: adventure.
In 2012, as a young student, he set out to sail around the world, camera in focus, hitchhiking and alone, to meet the school's graduates, with the approval and support of SKEMA. "By accepting this crazy project at the time and authorising me to travel around the world alone for a year, SKEMA gave me the confidence to do so," recalls Benjamin.
"My school was the trigger for my passion"
During his gap year, the alumnus travelled 40,000 kilometres in an atypical journey that had a profound effect on him, and which he attributes to his experience as a student at SKEMA. "My school was the trigger for my passion for discovering the world and adventure, which I have made my profession, and which is now leading me to this new challenge on the oceans," admits the Malouin. An adventurer and entrepreneur, Benjamin Ferré founded the IMAGO adventure incubator, which helps adventurers from all over the world to acquire a "methodology for taking action" and project management.
A sailor with a humanist and responsible mission
Eager to promote the values of environmental protection, Benjamin Ferré will use an eco-designed mainsail to meet the raging waves of the southern hemisphere. Driven by a true humanist conscience, the skipper also wanted to promote the "DUO for a JOB" association, which puts young refugees and immigrants in touch with volunteer mentors who accompany them in their job search. Alice Guilhon, SKEMA's Dean and Executive President, praised this mission. "Benjamin's Vendée Globe 2024 objective is based on humility and sharing, which is why it makes sense for SKEMA to support it as well. I am delighted that the school is supporting him as a sponsor," says Alice Guilhon.