SKEMA Brazil dean now president of CCI França-Brasil Minas Gerais

During a ceremony at the Belo Horizonte campus of SKEMA Business School, Geneviève Poulingue, academic dean of SKEMA Brazil, assumed her role as the president of CCI França-Brasil Minas Gerais (the French Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in Minas Gerais, Brazil).
On 15 March 2023, several members of the French Brazilian Chamber of Commerce Minas Gerais gathered for a meeting at SKEMA’s Belo Horizonte campus to introduce the new president. The outgoing president, Hildeu Dellaretti Junior, superintendent of institutional relations and communication at Vallourec, started the meeting by reviewing the activities carried out in 2022 and approving the accounts for the year.
"Promoting economic opportunities between France and Brazil"
Subsequently, Hildeu Dellaretti handed over the position to Geneviève Poulingue, academic director of our Belo Horizonte campus, who took up her role in front of the partners. At an online meeting with the other chambers in Brazil (São Paulo, Rio, and Parana), she was introduced the other members of each chamber. Brigitte Collet, the French ambassador to Brazil, highlighted the importance of economic cooperation between France and Brazil.
During the meeting, the upcoming activities and events of CCI França-Brasil Minas Gerais were presented, as well as the provisional calendar for 2023. "We will work together to promote economic opportunities between France and Brazil, with particular attention to Minas Gerais," said Geneviève Poulingue.
A gathering of Brazilian entrepreneurs
The ceremony was also attended by Anderon Sampaio (Sampaio & Boechat Advogados), Patrícia Alves (Systra Engenharia), Valeria Maltoso (Grupo Serpa), Gilson Silva (GS Advocacia Empresarial), Patrícia Leopoldino and Maurício Leopoldino (JBL Advocacia e Consultoria), Daniel Manucci (Mannuci Advogados) and Jussara Machado (CCIFB-MG).
Genevieve Poulingue's Linkedin profile