SKEMA Business School attains DD&RS certification

The awarding of the DD&RS certification on 27 June 2023 validates the commitments of SKEMA Business School towards sustainable development and social responsibility, based on a shared reference framework across five areas: Governance, Teaching and Training, Research and Innovation, Environmental Management, and Social Policy.
To foster committed talents capable of integrating into the dynamics of transitions, SKEMA has set three major goals in its SKY25 strategic plan: to become an "Avant-Garde school", an "Impacting Player", and a "Glocalised Institution".
Multiple aspects acknowledged by the certification
The audit committee first recognised SKEMA's investment through the creation in March 2022 of the "SKEMA Transitions" initiative.
The auditors also took into account the aspects of Training and Research to measure the school's initiatives, such as student awareness actions using Murals and workshops. These actions complement a teaching system regularly enriched with more than a hundred courses dedicated to impact. The audit committee also noted the opening of the school's research towards the general public, materialised by the activities of the SKEMA Publika think tank and the school's knowledge website: SKEMA ThinkForward.
In terms of the environmental management axis, SKEMA conducted a GHG (Greenhouse Gas) assessment in 2019. The opening of the Grand Paris campus and the integration of international campuses allowed a comprehensive carbon assessment for the year 2022.
Finally, the audit highlighted SKEMA's commitment to the quality of student life in terms of diversity, gender equality, community mobilisation against sexist and sexual violence, and guiding learners towards professional life.
"This certification attests to the sincerity of our approach"
"This certification attests to the sincerity of our approach, embedded in a continuous improvement process, supported by the Accreditations Quality & CSR Department and in line with SKEMA's governance. It commits us to continuing the implementation of the responsible management plan on the scale of all the school's sites in France and around the world. This mechanism supports the actions and projects at the teaching, research, operations and partnership levels of SKEMA. It also establishes and coordinates collaborative and multi-campus working groups on major issues and carries institutional-specific projects," specifies Isabelle Jauny, director of SKEMA Transitions.
What is the DD&RS Label?
Created in 2015 and covering the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the certification mechanism - known as DD&RS Label - Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility - of higher education enhances the actions in these areas of French institutions and allows them to upgrade their skills within a collective of committed institutions.