Spring semester 2023: a new year and new students

SKEMA Business School welcomed about 170 students on its French campuses (Lille, Grand Paris and Sophia Antipolis) for the start of the Spring term. SKEMA's international campuses also participated in the event via the multiplex mode.
Students from SKEMA's Global BBA, two-year MSc, Master of Science, and exchange programmes started their Spring semester on 3 January. The ceremony, hosted by Christophe Dispas (associate dean of MSc programmes) and Michael Hanson (head of two-year MSc programmes), took place in multiplex mode on our three French campuses.
The Welcome Ceremony 2023 began with a speech by Alice Guilhon, SKEMA's dean and executive president. She reminded the new cohort of students that SKEMA is a "global learning community", which aims to "build a new vision for societies and organisations, and take actions that will make human behaviour more sustainable, ethical and responsible."
An international institution
Patrice Houdayer, EVP and vice dean of programmes, international and student life, said: "You are joining a community of more than 120 different nationalities, which will enable you to have a unique experience on each of our campuses. Take advantage of this."
After this speech, Geneviève Poulingue, director of our Belo Horizonte campus, spoke about the opportunities available to students, and in particular, the vibrancy of the Brazilian entrepreneurial ecosystem in Minas Gerais. "We have a very dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystem and a support system to help our students who want to start a business project in Brazil," she said.
A trip to the Suzhou campus
From the other side of the globe, Matthieu Dumont, director of our Suzhou campus in China, emphasised the benefits of studying there, including stepping out of the comfort zone and obtaining a deep understanding of the Chinese corporate ecosystem through company visits and guest lectures by industry experts.