US campus: startup projects developed at SKEMA Ventures Bootstrap workshop

Late October, SKEMA Ventures US hosted their regular "bootstrap" event – an intensive three-day workshop designed to help student entrepreneurs on the Raleigh campus bring their business ideas to life.
Through hands-on coaching led by SKEMA Ventures director, Philippe Chereau, and SKEMA Ventures US manager, Mitchell Weisberg, the ten participating students refined their projects into structured and attractive business models, focusing on defining the value proposition. On the last day, they pitched their ideas to a jury of three local entrepreneurs, who provided valuable feedback and advice.
This year, the majority of projects were dedicated to supporting and improving sustainability and eco-friendly practices.
Students also learned from and connected with multiple local and international professionals, who shared their entrepreneurial stories and gave tips they have learned in their careers.
Congratulations to all students on taking their entrepreneurial projects to the next level!