Olympic and Paralympic Week at the Lille campus

On 27 January, as part of Olympic and Paralympic Week, SKEMA’s Lille campus will be inviting students to discover a range of sport- and inclusion-focused activities during their lunch break.
Ever wondered how to communicate in sign language? How to read braille? How to manoeuvre a sports wheelchair? These are just a few of the questions that will be answered between 12pm and 1.30pm on 27 January through several workshops in Hall A to raise awareness about disability sports. "The idea is to use some fun stands to get our students thinking about inclusion in sport," explained Nicolas Martin, the sports and physical education teacher organising the event in conjunction with the student Sports Office.
Workshops focusing on inclusion
A sign-language interpreter will be on hand to show students the sign language alphabet and how to count. "We've also organised a stand on braille writing. We'll be asking students to figure out a message written in braille on a slip of paper," said Nicolas Martin.
On the sporting side, there will be a sports wheelchair skills course to negotiate, boccia (seated boules) pitches and a biathlon stand where students will be able to try their hand at shooting a laser gun. The event will wrap up at the end of the lunch break with a wheelchair hip hop display.
Lille Campus, Hall A, 27 January, 12pm - 1.30pm.
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