Second magazine published by MSc International Strategy & Influence

The MSc International Strategy & Influence has just published the second issue of its International Strategy and Influence Magazine. In the 36-page periodical, students explore themes relating to the programme. Christophe Bisson, director of the MSc, told us more about the benefits of such a publication.
This May, the team is publishing its annual magazine for the second time. This new venture is a source of satisfaction for SKEMA professor Christophe Bisson, director of the master's programme and instigator of the project. "I'm very happy with the results of the project, and we've received highly positive feedback from people in different roles and markets (consultancy, industry, etc.) who have seen this latest issue. In it, we explore strategy in the digital economy, geostrategy and economic and strategic intelligence."
Christophe Bisson believes this new edition of the magazine is particularly relevant in the current unstable economic and strategic environment. "Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine have marked the end of fruitful globalisation. As a consequence, the strategic environment is highly volatile and uncertain, and the volume of data is soaring as the digital transition accelerates. This magazine offers new ways to understand the evolution of ecosystems," he explains.
Pertinent editorial choices
As well as its key themes, economic and strategic intelligence, the magazine also contains articles about supply chain strategy, artificial intelligence and influence. This year, the magazine also includes an interview with Claude Revel, development director at SKEMA's Publika think tank (and a former French interministerial delegate for economic intelligence) and Mikel Mangold, author of "Today's Superpower: Building Networks".
Interactions with alumni
"For contributors, the aim is also to network and interact with alumni such as Emma Fouilloux (SKEMA 2019) and Alim Jaria (SKEMA 2021)," said Christophe Bisson. The magazine has been sent to all our Master alumni and also helps build the all-important link between current and former students of this Master of Science.
Read the magazine