SKEMA Raleigh and the Global Business Forum host panel on AI applications and implications
Recently the Global Business Forum at SKEMA Raleigh launched its inaugural event entitled “AI: Applications and Implications”.
The Global Business Forum (GBF), founded by SKEMA Professor Robert C. Azar, is a new initiative designed to bring together thought leaders and practitioners from industry, government, and academia to discuss the critical issues of the day that will impact international business – and the world – both today and tomorrow. The Forum aims to help today's and tomorrow’s leaders of society – such as SKEMA students – be better informed about these major topics and be able to better navigate them.
The event featured a panel of three engaging leaders in the field of artificial intelligence:
- Dr. Kevin P. Lee, lntel Social Equity and Racial Justice Professor of Law at
North Carolina Central University
- Dr. Behnam Kia, Director of Data Science at RevolutionParts
- Dr. Faisal Shah Khan, Adjunct Professor of AI and Quantum Computing, SKEMA Raleigh.
Robert Azar, Adjunct Professor of Global Business at SKEMA Raleigh, served as moderator of the program.
About forty students in the MSc International Business and attended the panel, along with guest attendees John Atkins and Jim Nichols of O'Brien Atkins Associates, PA, and Shirreef Loza of the US Commercial Service.
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