SKEMA students submit short film to Nikon Film Festival

Four students on our Master in Management (PGE) programme are completing their studies at UCLA Extension, California. They recently produced a short film to compete in the Nikon Film Festival, which rewards young talent in cinema.
In their final year, four PGE students elected to join the . All keen fans of the big screen, Richard Moulin, Laura Moracchini, Romain Logé and Hugo Carpentier have produced a short film titled "Light on" for the Nikon Film Festival.
"Showing, not telling"
This year, budding filmmakers competing in Nikon Film Festival were given "dreams" as the theme. The short film by Richard, Romain, Laura and Hugo presents a young French girl dream when she meets her idol in Los Angeles. "There is no dialogue: firstly, because it is really difficult to write dialogues, and also because we wanted to show rather than tell," says Hugo Carpentier.
The film, which is beautifully shot, lasts just over two minutes and immerses us into the twilight atmosphere of Los Angeles. "Your editing, music, performance, and cinematography moved the story along so quickly and elegantly. It was upbeat, catchy, and fun. Good twist" says their UCLA Extension professor Chris Donahue, Oscar & Emmy winning producer. Competing against 1,604 other productions, "Light on" has already notched up 1,400 views on Nikon's platform and nearly 300 comments.
The students did everything themselves, from fundraising to production. "In November 2021, we started writing stories together and thought about taking part in this festival," says Richard Moulin, the cameraman of the film. Later, a crowdfunding campaign on KissKissBankBank raised €2,000 for the four filmmakers, just enough to meet their budget. "We were able to rent equipment and a car, and cover our fuel costs," says Romain Logé.
A famous jury
Laura, Romain and Hugo plan to stay in the US to go into production and the film business, and Richard wants to return to France to pursue a career in directing. Voting on the film festival's website will close on 10 April. The award ceremony will take place at the Grand Rex in the presence of Gilles Lellouche, Pierre Lescure and Augustin Trapenard 22 april.
*The programme is designed to give students a dual skillset highly sought-after in two highly complementary fields: digital marketing and management in the entertainment industry.