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La loi Copé-Zimmermann, quels impacts sur le profil sociologique des administrateur(rice)s du CAC 40
2021, Revue Française de Gestion, 47(298), pp.97-115
Loi Copé-Zimmermann
Mixité femmes-hommes
In 2011, the Copé-Zimmermann law imposed a minimum quota of 40% of the same sex in Cas. It illustrates the role of public authorities and of legal coercion in promoting a balanced representation of women and men in corporate governance. Analysis of the law suggests that its genesis was influenced by societal constraint and its implementation by the state of the labor market. The law had unexpected spillover effects by being accompanied by an evolution of the sociological characteristics of the members of the CAs which resulted in the convergence of the profiles of the directors and a decrease in the number of alumni from “Très Grandes Ecoles” and foreign directors.

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