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A vicarious innovativeness scale in the domain of 3G mobile services: integrating the Domain Specific Innovativeness Scale with psychological and rational indicators
2007, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 19(6), pp.709-728
The paper aims to validate a vicarious innovativeness scale for its usefulness in understanding and predicting third generation (3G) mobile services acceptance. Illustrations are based on a survey of 150 young people, and structural equation modelling techniques were used to analyse the data. In this paper: (1) the relevant literature is reviewed; (2) a theoretical framework is built, and hypotheses proposed based on consumer innovativeness theory; (3) the results of an empirical survey designed to test these hypotheses are presented; and (4) it concludes with a general discussion and proposed directions for future research. In this study, the psychometric characteristics and criterion (predictive) validity of the scale are evaluated in order to support claims that domain specific innovativeness scale integrated with psychological and cognitive items could be used to research this domain of consumer behaviour. Evidence for a unidimensional measure of vicarious innovativeness is provided.

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