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Les mutations de l’intermédiation bancaire dans les pays de l’OCDE : nouveaux revenus, nouveaux métiers
2002, Revue d'Économie Financière, 66, pp.307-334
Changes in banking in the OECD countries : new sources of revenue, new jobs . Deregulation and innovation have unleashed considerable forces that continue to influence the manner in which banks operate as well as their restructuring. All the financial systems seem to slide from a system dominated by banks towards a system that is dominated by markets. The consequences are significant both in a practical and theoretical sense. Traditional intermediation is on the decline. Banks are becoming a business that provide services and risk management linked to capital markets. Here we characterise the changes in French banks over the last half a century and more specifically their strategic reorientation through the distortion of their revenue. The study uses international comparisons between the OECD countries. It highlights the weakening of tradition activity and identifies the new sources of revenue and the new jobs. .

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